Fast, reliable data
Delivering expert-level1 qualitative data to supplement CBC results
- White blood cell differential and estimated count, including neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils
- Platelet estimated count to identify medium and large platelet clumps
- Identifies and counts both polychromatophils* and nucleated red blood cells (nRBC)
Study Design
The accuracy of Vetscan Imagyst® AI Blood Smear was evaluated in 59 dog and 60 cat samples and compared to that of board-certified clinical pathologists.1

- Sample evaluation by 2 of 4 randomized clinical pathologists
- Scatter plots display the pathologists’ results for each individual slide, sorted by percentage of cell type
- The variability between the expert pathologist reviewers (which is well documented in human and veterinary medicine literature) was observed in all samples2-4
- Note the variability between pathologists in dog lymphocytes (%)

- The 99% prediction interval was calculated using the variation observed between expert clinical pathologists
- The 99% prediction interval provides the estimated range expected from a future observation by an additional expert or Vetscan Imagyst AI Blood Smear with consideration for variability between expert clinical pathologists

- For all 5 cells of the differential, 93.2% to 100% of dog samples (n=59) and 88.3% to 100% of cat samples (n=60) were within the 99% prediction interval of the model
- The Vetscan Imagyst canine lymphocyte classifier performance was comparable to that of an expert clinical pathologist when evaluating the monolayer of a blood smear
- When Vetscan Imagyst evaluated the same slides for lymphocytes, results were within the 99% prediction interval (calculated from expert variability) 96.6% of the time
Exceptional accuracy at the point of care1
- Accurate performance comparable to that expected of clinical pathologists1
- Expert-level WBC differential and cell counting completed in-clinic
Vetscan Imagyst AI Blood Smear WBC classifier performs comparable to that of an expert, clinical pathologist1 for these cell types:
Percentage of slides that fall within the expected range of clinical pathologists based on the 99% prediction interval

93.2% (55/59)
96.6% (57/59)
96.6% (57/59)
100% (59/59)
100% (59/59)
88.3% (53/60)
91.7% (55/60)
95.0% (57/60)
98.3% (59/60)
100% (60/60)
Slides within 99% Prediction Interval
Vetscan Imagyst AI Blood Smear cell counting performance is comparable to an expert clinical pathologist1 for canine and feline samples.
Slides within 95% Confidence Interval
Estimated Total WBC Count:94.9% (56/59)
Estimated PLT Count:93.2% (55/59)
Polychromatophil:88.1% (52/59)
Estimated Total WBC Count:90.0% (54/60)
Estimated PLT Count:83.3% (50/60)
Polychromatophil:95.0% (57/60)
High-resolution images for powerful insights

Canine Monocyte

Feline Lymphocyte

Feline Basophil

Canine Eosinophil

Bringing specialist-level medicine to your clinic
The Zoetis Virtual Laboratory is an integrated support network of board-certified specialists paired with expert-level AI5-12, providing actionable insights to help you diagnose and treat with confidence.
- Best-in-class AI
- Anytime† expert support
- Connected diagnostic insights
Discover the difference Vetscan Imagyst can make in your clinic
Contact us today to learn more about how our diagnostics portfolio can help you provide elevated patient care.
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Zoetis Reference Laboratories Customer Service, Support & Ordering
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 9:30pm ET
Saturday: 9:00am – 8:30pm ET
Sunday: Closed
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* Absolute polychromatophil count is provided when the RBC count is entered from an automated CBC analyzer.
† Dependent on consultant availability.
‡ If you are a pet owner looking for treatment recommendations, please contact your veterinarian.
References: 1. Data on file, Study No. D870R-US-21-045, 2021, Zoetis Inc. 2. Kjelgaard-Hansen M, Jensen AL. Is the inherent imprecision of manual leukocyte differential counts acceptable for quantitative purposes? Vet Clin Pathol. 2006;35(3):268-270. doi:10.1111/j.1939-165x.2006.tb00128.x. 3. Fuentes-Arderiu X, García-Panyella M, Dot-Bach D. Between-examiner reproducibility in manual differential leukocyte counting. Accred Qual Assur. 2007;12:643–645. doi:10.1007/s00769-007-0323-0. 4. Tvedten HW, Lilliehöök IE. Canine differential leukocyte counting with the CellaVision DM96Vision, Sysmex XT-2000iV, and Advia 2120 hematology analyzers and a manual method. Vet Clin Pathol. 2011;40(3):324-339. doi:10.1111/j.1939-165X.2011.00347.x. 5. Data on file, Study No. DHX6Z-US-23-205, 2024, Zoetis Inc. 6. Data on file, Study No. DHX6Z-US-23-206, 2024, Zoetis Inc. 7. Data on file, Study No. DHX6Z-US-23-209, 2024, Zoetis Inc. 8. Nagamori Y, Hall-Sedlak R, Blagburn B, et al. Multicenter evaluation of the Vetscan Imagyst system using Ocus 40 and EasyScan One scanners to detect gastrointestinal parasites of feces in dogs and cats. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 2023;36(1). doi: 10.1177/10406387231216185. 9. Data on file, Study No. DHXMZ-US-23-218, 2023, Zoetis Inc. 10. Data on file, Study No. DHX6Z-US-23-222, 2023, Zoetis Inc. 11. Data on file, Study No. DHX6Z-US-22-131, 2022, Zoetis Inc. 12. Data on file. Study No. DHXMZ-US-24-235, 2024, Zoetis Inc.