Comprehensive results for complete care
- Cutting-edge technology informs optimal treatment plans
- Remote support from a global network of clinical pathologists and parasitologists*†
- Small footprint with a sleek, compact design
- Fecal, urine sediment, dermatology, blood smear and digital cytology included
- Anytime, anywhere access to reports on
- Clinical pathologist insights available within hours5
Dimensions:7.09 x 7.09 x 7.48 in, 18 x 18 x 19 cm (HxWxD)
Weight:3.5 kg (7.72 lb)
Power:Use only power supply provided with scanner (100-240 VAC 50-60 Hz); use BBU if available
Connectivity:1 GigE wired connection; 802.11 ac WLAN
Operating Temperature:15-40° C (59-104° F)
Operating humidity:0-95% RH, non condensing
Operating altitude:Max. 2000 m
Storage temperature:1-70° C (34-158° F)
Slide capacity:1
Numerical aperture:0.75
Resolution, microscope:40X 0.25 μm/pix
Your in-clinic partner for quick and confident treatment decisions
Vetscan Imagyst is an innovative, multi-use diagnostic tool that frees up valuable time so you and your staff can focus on patients, all while delivering expert-level results in minutes.1-4

AI Fecal
Clean, efficient approach to fecal analysis that accurately detects parasitic ova, cysts and oocysts with results in minutes.2

AI Urine Sediment
Consistent, accurate urine sediment analysis at the point of care that significantly reduces sample degradation concerns.3

AI Dermatology
Powerful dermatology diagnostics that identify yeast, inflammatory cells and bacteria and differentiate between cocci and rods.4,6

AI Blood Smear
Highly accurate blood smear qualitative analysis to supplement CBC results for a comprehensive hematology picture in minutes.1

Digital Cytology Image Transfer
Digital access to board-certified clinical pathologists that transforms the way you get cytopathology results with specialist insights within hours.5
Frequently Asked Questions
Vetscan Imagyst is a first-of-its kind, multiuse platform that enables real-time, expert medical services and results through an AI and digital microscopy solution. It is the only in-clinic diagnostic platform with AI Fecal analysis, AI Blood Smear, AI Dermatology, AI Urine Sediment, AI Equine Fecal Egg Count and Digital Cytology image transfer capabilities. Vetscan Imagyst integrates image recognition technology with advanced AI and digital access to expert clinical pathologists within the Zoetis network to help you provide the best possible care. With a small in-office digital scanner, Vetscan Imagyst delivers accurate results comparable to a clinical pathologist or diagnostic parasitology expert.
Nagamori Y, et al. Parasites Vectors 13, 346 (2020).
Nagamari Y, et al. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/10406387231216185.
Data on file. Study Report No. DHX6Z-US-22-131, 2022. Zoetis Inc.
Data on file. Study Report No. D870R-US-21-045, 2021, Zoetis Inc.
Data on file. Study Report No. DHX6Z-US-23-222, 2023, Zoetis Inc.
Data on file. Study Report No. DHXMZ-US-23-218, 2023, Zoetis Inc.
Vetscan Imagyst is a single system for multiple applications that uniquely combines expert diagnostics with AI capabilities, delivering efficient, actionable results.
The Vetscan Imagyst AI algorithms offer “set it and forget it” simplicity. It allows busy technicians and veterinarians to spend their valuable time examining pets and educating pet owners rather than evaluating samples under a microscope. Paired with AI evaluation, the sample preparation SOPs remove much of the variability in test results, no matter who prepares the sample.
The Vetscan Imagyst system can also bring value to customers. Pet owners can see the images on the final report, adding a perception of value not typically found with current testing modalities. The images can make the results more tangible and provide an opportunity for excellent communication between you and your client. This may, in turn, lead to improved compliance by pet owners.
In addition, all Vetscan Imagyst customers have access to Virtual Laboratory by Zoetis for complimentary consultations with our global network of clinical specialists. Want to discuss results or a complex case? Simply book an appointment through ZoetisDx to connect via mobile, video chat or email.*
*The use of Vetscan® Fuse/Vetscan HubTM plus at least one Zoetis Diagnostics instrument or service, such as Vetscan Imagyst, required.
Currently AI Fecal, AI Blood Smear, AI Dermatology and AI Urine Sediment are validated for canine and feline samples. AI Equine Fecal Egg Count is validated for equine fecal samples. The Digital Cytology application is available for all non-human species.
Yes, all AI algorithms are trained by boarded specialists and then subject to rigorous validation studies prior to being available for commercial use. This is true for AI Fecal, AI Blood Smear, AI Equine Fecal Egg Count, AI Dermatology and AI Urine Sediment. In general, samples were prepared and scanned with the digital scanner. The expert read the glass slide and/or the digital whole slide image. Then the algorithm evaluated the sample, and the results were compared. In addition, for AI Fecal and AI Urine Sediment, the sample preparation devices were validated against a standard reference laboratory sample preparation method.
Nagamori Y, et al. Parasites Vectors 13, 346 (2020).
Nagamari Y, et al. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/10406387231216185.
Data on file. Study Report No. DHX6Z-US-22-131, 2022. Zoetis Inc.
Data on file. Study Report No. D870R-US-21-045, 2021, Zoetis Inc.
Data on file. Study Report No. DHX6Z-US-23-222, 2023, Zoetis Inc.
Data on file. Study Report No. DHXMZ-US-23-218, 2023, Zoetis Inc.
Nagamori Y, et al. Parasites Vectors 14, 89 (2021).
WSI refers to the scanning of glass microscope slides to produce digital images. Vetscan Imagyst uses the Grundium Ocus®40 slide scanner to capture high-resolution images of the entire slide. The upload of the image to the cloud enables an expert clinical pathologist or parasitologist to examine the specimen as if they were looking at the slide through a microscope at the veterinary clinic. AI Dermatology, AI Blood Smear and Digital Cytology image transfer scan one layer or depth on the slide. AI Fecal scans 2 distinct layers where the parasite eggs, cysts and oocysts are expected to be floating, and AI Urine Sediment scans 5 different layers to capture all of the common urine sediment elements. This means the WSI for AI Urine Sediment consists of 5 different layers of the whole slide.
The Vetscan Imagyst AI Dermatology application is an efficient and accurate way to perform in-clinic dermatologic cytology analysis within minutes–giving you more time with patients. The Imagyst can aid in the detection and diagnosis of skin infections through use of advanced AI technology and deliver consistent results, regardless of personnel, training or microscope performance. The AI Dermatology application reviews impression smears, ear swabs and skin swabs to detect the presence of yeast, inflammatory cells and bacteria as well as differentiate between cocci and rods. Application users also have the option to have their cytology image submitted for expert review by our network of board certified pathologists through Virtual Laboratory by Zoetis (additional costs may apply).
With the AI Blood Smear application, simply prepare a slide using traditional methods, then scan using the Vetscan Imagyst digital scanner and allow AI to perform the analysis. Vetscan Imagyst can:
- Clarify abnormalities to supplement automated complete blood count (CBC) results
- Provide an estimated platelet count and identify the presence of platelet clumps (which may impact platelet counts)
- Verify a white blood cell (WBC) differential (%) and estimated count (relative count of each cell type). You also have the option to submit the digital blood smear image for expert review by a clinical pathologist with Virtual Laboratory by Zoetis (additional costs may apply)
- Identify and count polychromatophils (immature red blood cells—an indicator of a potential regenerative process) and nucleated red blood cells (nRBC)
AI Fecal analysis for Vetscan Imagyst was developed to provide a simple, easy and systematized fecal examination that is less influenced by different fecal preparation methods or the skill level of an examiner. By leveraging deep learning, the fecal application uses cutting-edge image recognition technology to improve fecal in-clinic diagnostics and enhances the diagnostic process by reducing user variability and human error. Vetscan Imagyst AI Fecal can also help expedite treatment intervention and will maintain shareable records for future needs. Three peer-reviewed studies published between Parasites & Vectors and JVDI demonstrated that Vetscan Imagyst AI Fecal analysis performed well versus a diagnostic parasitology expert evaluating the same sample with expert focus and attention—something that is less likely to be done with each in-office fecal exam.
The digital cytology application is a fast, convenient approach to expert clinical pathology. With efficient review of common cytology specimens, such as fine-needle aspirates, Vetscan Imagyst helps veterinarians provide the best possible care. Vetscan Imagyst accelerates the process for expert clinical pathology review—simply prepare and scan slides and then submit for expert results in hours. Submissions are prepared in clinic using traditional methods, but submitted digitally, rather than sending physical slides to a laboratory.
The AI Urine Sediment application delivers fast, efficient urine sediment analysis through the digital scanning and AI evaluation of a urine sediment wet prep sample. The Vetscan Imagyst Urine Sediment sample preparation method has been created to standardize processes and results, no matter who is preparing the sample. With algorithm accuracy comparable to that of board-certified clinical pathologists, users can expect consistent, reliable results for each analysis regardless of personnel, training or microscopic performance.
Vetscan Imagyst AI Equine Fecal Egg Count analysis has an easy sample preparation process that is very similar to the steps of the widely used Modified McMaster Technique, but rather than being counted in a chamber, utilizes a concentration technique for egg collection. Vetscan Imagyst AI Equine Fecal Egg Count analysis is powered by deep learning image recognition technology to help veterinarians make accurate and timely intestinal parasite diagnoses for patients at the point of care and complement the work of a veterinary professional. Fecal Egg Count (FEC) results are provided in eggs per gram (EPG), to identify low, medium, and high shedders as described by the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) Internal Parasite Control Guidelines. Results from verification studies showed that the algorithm performed comparable to a diagnostic parasitology expert and provided expert level results in about 7 minutes.
With a small in-office footprint, Vetscan Imagyst delivers a streamlined approach to blood smear, dermatology, urine sediment, digital cytology and fecal testing. As new applications become available, they will be easily integrated with existing Vetscan Imagyst testing capabilities.
Nagamori Y, et al. Parasites Vectors 13, 346 (2020).
Nagamori Y, et al. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/10406387231216185.
Data on file. Study Report No. DHX6Z-US-22-131, 2022, Zoetis Inc.
Data on file. Study Report No. DHX6Z-US-23-222, 2023, Zoetis Inc.
Data on file. Study Report No. DHXMZ-US-23-218, 2023, Zoetis Inc.
Nagamori Y, et al. Parasites Vectors 14, 89 (2021).
Data on file. Study Report No. TI-10365, 2023, Zoetis Inc.
American Association of Equine Practitioners. Internal Parasite Control Guidelines. Updated 2024.
Yes, if more information is needed in addition to the Vetscan Imagyst AI Urine Sediment, AI Dermatology, or AI Blood Smear analyses, the scanned whole slide image (WSI) can be sent to a clinical pathologist using the Add-On Expert Review function.*
For AI Urine Sediment, an additional stained, air-dried urine sediment smear slide will be requested as part of the Add-On Expert Review sample submission process. This will allow the clinical pathologists to provide more information, especially regarding cell morphology and bacteria.
These findings may provide important additional information that could guide diagnosis and/or treatment.
*Option to submit digital slide image to our network of clinical pathologists as needed. Additional costs may apply.
Not all image recognition AI is the same. The methods currently used in the veterinary market to train models and classify data are known as Superficial and Deep Learning. Two key differences between superficial and deep learning algorithms are the way in which the algorithm is trained, and the number of “features” used in the classification of new objects. “Features” are distinguishing characteristics that visually make an object that object (e.g., a cat has whiskers, fur, two eyes, four legs, etc.). With superficial learning AI algorithms, a human manually selects the “features” of an object, and the algorithm uses these features to classify new objects.
In deep learning AI algorithms, object “feature” selection and training are not limited by manual or human selection. This step is skipped. In deep learning, countless numbers of objects or data are shown to the algorithm, and the algorithm extracts relevant “features” that it uses to classify new objects. During the training process, an expert tells the algorithm whether it has classified objects correctly, allowing the AI to learn and extract more features with each correction. This process is illustrated in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1. Types of Image Analysis AI Algorithms
In superficial learning fewer features are evaluated, because it relies on a human expert to identify every feature used to train the algorithm (i.e. the human tells the algorithm what attributes of a cell to pick out). It can be difficult to improve these algorithms as the human needs to visualize more features to teach the algorithm. On the other hand, deep learning AI systems use thousands of features and their inter-relations to identify an object. The algorithm determines differentiating attributes that we oftentimes cannot even pick up with our eyes (i.e. the human expert tells the algorithm, “this is a cell” and the algorithm breaks the image down to the pixel level to decide what key attributes define a “cell”). Improvements to deep learning algorithms are generally related to providing more and better image examples so the combined feature extraction and analysis components of deep learning can be maximized. The deep learning system that is utilized for the Vetscan Imagyst is a convolutional deep neural network. A convolutional deep neural network uses a very large number of small filters to extract a very large number of features from the image which are applied to the deep learning neural network. Deep learning AI will excel in identification of often difficult to visualize urine sediment elements compared to superficial learning AI.
The deep-learning nature of the Vetscan Imagyst algorithm allows for evolution and increased functionality over time. In the future, the algorithm may be trained to classify additional elements and further validation studies can be performed. Customer feedback is essential in prioritizing which elements are trained into future iterations of the algorithms.
No. While expertly classified training and hold-out (model test) data is continuously added by our boarded specialists and algorithm team, this is tightly managed and not driven by the AI itself. Only algorithm updates that have been validated through studies are released to customers.
We are here to help! Contact us at or 1-888-963-8471.
A high-speed internet connection is needed to best experience the benefits of Vetscan Imagyst.
Vetscan Imagyst is compatible with most practice information management software (PIMS) systems. Contact your Zoetis representative for the full list of compatible software.
The platform does not require a dedicated computer. In addition, only a small amount of benchtop space is required.
AI Dermatology, AI Blood Smear analysis, AI Urine Sediment, AI Equine Fecal Egg Count and AI Fecal analysis: Vetscan Imagyst uses AI to deliver results in minutes.
Digital cytology image transfer: Vetscan Imagyst delivers fast digital access to clinical pathologists—with a benchmark turnaround time within hours.
Data on file. Study Report No. TI-10365, 2023, Zoetis Inc.
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Bringing specialist-level medicine to your clinic
The Zoetis Virtual Laboratory offers deeper insights through its unique portfolio of interconnected diagnostic products and services. Central to the Virtual Laboratory offering, Vetscan Imagyst connects innovative, in-clinic AI diagnostic testing with real human clinical pathology expertise, empowering confident treatment decisions and elevating patient care.
- Best-in-class AI
- Anytime‡ expert support
- Connected diagnostic insights
Discover the difference Vetscan Imagyst can make in your clinic
Contact us today to learn more about how our diagnostics portfolio can help elevate your patient care.
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Vetscan & i-STAT Technical Support
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
Zoetis Reference Laboratories Customer Service, Support & Ordering
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 9:30pm ET
Saturday: 9:00am – 8:30pm ET
Sunday: Closed
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Discover the difference Vetscan Imagyst can make in your clinic
Contact us today to learn more about how our diagnostics portfolio can help you provide elevated patient care.
Customer Service, Support & Ordering
Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 6:30pm ET
Vetscan & i-STAT Technical Support
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
Zoetis Reference Laboratories Customer Service, Support & Ordering
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 9:30pm ET
Saturday: 9:00am – 8:30pm ET
Sunday: Closed
Need Technical Support?
Our support team is available to answer product questions and provide guidance.§
* Option to send digital slide image to our network of clinical parasitologists or pathologists as needed. Additional costs may apply.
† Complimentary AI Fecal image review from a support specialist is available for concerning results.
‡ Dependent on consultant availability.
§ If you are a pet owner looking for treatment recommendations, please contact your veterinarian.
References: 1. Data on file, Study No. D870R-US-21-045, 2021, Zoetis Inc. 2. Nagamori Y, Sedlak RH, DeRosa A, et al. Evaluation of the VETSCAN IMAGYST: an in-clinic canine and feline fecal parasite detection system integrated with a deep learning algorithm. Parasit Vectors. 2020;13(1):346. doi:10.1186/s13071-020-04215-x. 3. Data on file. Study No. DHXMZ-US-23-218, Zoetis Inc. 4. Data on file, Study No. D870R-US-22-053, 2022, Zoetis Inc. 5. Data on file, Study No. TI-10365, 2023, Zoetis Inc. 6. Data on file, Study No. DHX6Z-US-23-222, 2023, Zoetis Inc.