Dependable urine chemistry for enhanced patient care
- Reliable results including UPC ratio and microalbumin*
- Simple, 3-step process for enhanced efficiency
- Comprehensive urine chemistry for up to 14 analytes†
- Pairs with Vetscan Imagyst® AI Urine Sediment for a complete urinalysis test report
Covering the essentials of comprehensive diagnostic analysis

Efficient, reliable data
Automated processing with intuitive technology helps to standardize testing to limit inconsistencies and maintain reproducibility.

Streamlined workflow
The simple 3-step process and objective test strip evaluation maximizes efficiency, for clear, consistent results at the point of care.

Advanced patient care
Reduce testing time with automated urine chemistry to optimize your practice, so you can provide continuous care with fewer delays to more patients.
How it works
- Perform timely analysis to prevent sample degradation or contamination
- Access comprehensive results, including ketones, bilirubin, glucose, protein, pH, occult blood, microalbumin and UPC ratio*
- Avoid errors in strip processing time and color interpretation that can occur with manual test strip analysis
Analyzer Dimensions:4.72 x 3.26 x 1.22 in, 11.99 x 8.28 x 3.09 cm (HxWxD)
Power:Rechargeable battery analyzer, USB-powered printer
Data Transmission:Micro USB
Memory:Up to 500 samples
Printer Dimensions:4.30 x 3.20 in, 10.92 x 8.13 cm
Reported Parameters:14 parameters via four wavelength reflectance method
Display:LCD colored touch-screen (73.00 x 48.00 mm backlit LED display)
Frequently Asked Questions
The Vetscan UA Urine Analyzer replaces the manual urine chemistry reagent strip (“dipstick”). For some parameters, it is a screening tool; for other parameters, it is diagnostic (such as glucose). It is important to always perform a urine dipstick in conjunction with a urine specific gravity (USG) and a urine sediment for a complete picture of the urinary tract and proper chemistry interpretation. A general guideline that may vary by patient:
Screening parameters: protein, microalbumin, UPC
Definitive parameters: glucose, ketones, bilirubin, pH, blood
On the Vetscan UA, and all other urine test strips, there are semi-quantitative result bins. The Vetscan UA will give a number that represents the bin classification system or range. Refer to Vetscan UA User Manual available here. If the exact value is close to the cut-off between bins, the analyzer may round to the nearest bin.
Source: Vetscan UA User Manual (ABX-0098)
UPC on the Vetscan UA provides a semi-quantitative result. It is an excellent screening tool for proteinuria. If the UPC is positive on Vetscan UA and the sediment is inactive, it is recommended to repeat testing in 2-4 weeks. If the result is the same, send out for a quantitative result or attempt to diagnose and treat the underlying condition.
MA on the Vetscan UA can be used as an early screening tool for protein in the urine. It is a sensitive, but non-specific test and may increase prior to UPC and standard test strip protein pad.
If MA<2.5 mg/dL (25 mg/L)- the patient is unlikely to have proteinuria
If MA>2.5 mg/dL (25 mg/L):
- Interpret with respect to the USG and urine sediment. If sediment is inactive and USG is not >1.035, consider patient’s clinical signs and other diagnostics such as CBC/Chem. Blood pressure should be performed as well. If all of those are normal, repeat 2 or more times, each 2 weeks apart.
- A repeatable positive MA should be confirmed with UPC and/or quantitative MA sent to a diagnostic lab. Further diagnostics and/or treatment may or may not be warranted once microalbuminuria is confirmed.
- Causes of elevated MA include but are not limited to early chronic kidney disease, as well as infectious, inflammatory, immune-mediated and other disease types.
NOTE: An MA>2.5 is abnormal, but a single reading by itself does not confirm an overall disease process.
Source: Lees, George, et al. Assessment and Management of Proteinuria in canines and felines: 2004 ACVIM Forum Consensus Statement (Small Animal). JVIM 2005;19:377-385.
No. A refractometer should always be used to determine the USG.
Yes, you may schedule a consultation with a board-certified specialist through the ZoetisDx portal.
Urine samples for use with the Vetscan UA may be collected with cystocentesis, free catch, or catheter. Use room or body temperature urine, and do not centrifuge urine samples before use on the Vetscan UA.
The Vetscan UA holds 500 sample records.
Yes, bleach and other cleaners can interfere and contaminate your strip and/or analyzer. We recommend using warm distilled water to clean the analyzer.
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Bringing specialist-level medicine to your clinic
The Zoetis Virtual Laboratory is an integrated support network of board-certified specialists paired with expert-level AI1-8, providing actionable insights to help you diagnose and treat with confidence.
- Best-in-class AI
- Anytime‡ expert support
- Connected diagnostic insights
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Vetscan & i-STAT Technical Support
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Zoetis Reference Laboratories Customer Service, Support & Ordering
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 9:30pm ET
Saturday: 9:00am – 8:30pm ET
Sunday: Closed
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* UA14 strips only.
† Clinical diagnostic significance undetermined in veterinary medicine.
‡ Dependent on consultant availability.
§ If you are a pet owner looking for treatment recommendations, please contact your veterinarian.
References: 1. Data on file, Study No. DHX6Z-US-23-205, 2024, Zoetis Inc. 2. Data on file, Study No. DHX6Z-US-23-206, 2024, Zoetis Inc. 3. Data on file, Study No. DHX6Z-US-23-209, 2024, Zoetis Inc. 4. Nagamori Y, Hall-Sedlak R, Blagburn B, et al. Multicenter evaluation of the Vetscan Imagyst system using Ocus 40 and EasyScan One scanners to detect gastrointestinal parasites of feces in dogs and cats. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 2023;36(1). doi: 10.1177/10406387231216185. 5. Data on file, Study No. DHXMZ-US-23-218, 2023, Zoetis Inc. 6. Data on file, Study No. DHX6Z-US-23-222, 2023, Zoetis Inc. 7. Data on file, Study No. DHX6Z-US-22-131, 2022, Zoetis Inc. 8. Data on file. Study No. DHXMZ-US-24-235, 2024, Zoetis Inc.